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The call ended and a major milestone had been achieved.


Remote installation of the Chromacity OPO in China was a success. This is a remarkable achievement for a young laser manufacturer, and widespread travel disruption during the pandemic only emphasised its strategic importance.

Chromacity OPO的远程安装取得了圆满的成功,这对于一个新的激光器生产商来说意味非凡,对于深陷疫情困扰的而近乎瘫痪的全球旅行来说,极具战略意义.

Head of Manufacturing, Bill Handyside, had taken the development of the Chromacity OPO to the next level. Introducing new laser manufacturing processes and techniques has enabled the creation of a truly robust, turnkey optical parametric oscillator capable of being drop-shipped and installed, without the presence of an onsite engineer.

公司生产总监,Bill Handyside,将Chromacity的OPO提高到一个新的水平。新的激光器生产中全集成化、拧钥匙的光学参量振荡器技术的采用,使得运输和安装在没有工程师到现场的情况下,变得可能。

We spoke with Bill about his ambitions to leverage Chromacity’s technical expertise and continuous improvement culture to manufacturer ultrafast lasers capable of competing at the highest level.     


“Remote install of the OPO in China has been one of my proudest moments since joining Chromacity last year, but it’s the culmination of a team effort and exceptional development work led by one of the co-founders and technical director, Dr Carl Farrell.”

"中国区客户远程安装的成功,是我自从去年加入chromacity以来的高光时刻,同时也是我们在联合创始人&技术总监dr.carl farrel领导下的团队努力的结果"

“During the ten years I’ve worked in laser manufacturing, Chromacity has always been on my watchlist. They’re an ambitious company and one of the fastest growing in the UK.”


“As circumstance would have it, one of the co-founders, Dr Christopher Leburn, was actually my academic supervisor for the final year project of my Physics degree. This project really sparked my interest in lasers and led to an MSc in Photonics and Optoelectronics. Fast-forward a few years and I’m now relishing the challenge of working with both fibre-based and solid-state ultrafast systems at Chromacity!”

"我们另外一个联合创始人,Dr Christopher Leburn,是我物理学学位计划最后一年的学术导师。这个计划激发了我研究激光器的兴趣并把我带领进了光子学和光电子学的硕士课程的学习。几年过去了,我加入了chromacity并在光纤和固体飞秒激光器领域不断的挑战着自己。"

“Chromacity is living up to its potential to disrupt the market with next generation femtosecond lasers. A few years ago, I can recall being impressed by the aesthetics and compact footprint of the 1040 system, but it wasn’t until after I’d joined Chromacity that I realised the system’s manufacturing maturity, which is impressive this early in the product lifecycle.”

"Chromacity一直在重新定义下一代飞秒激光器市场的道路上展示着无尽的天赋。几年前,我被1040系统的美学和集成化设计震撼到,一直到加入了chroma City,我才意识到系统设计的成熟度,这令我印象深刻。"

“This will of course sound somewhat biased, but I was genuinely surprised by the robustness of the opto-mechanical design and the platform in general. Just recently, we shipped a Chromacity 1040 to Australia and the system achieved turnkey factory performance straight out of the box.”

"这些话听起来有些失真,但我是真正的被光电设计和平台的可靠性震惊到了。就在最近,我们发了一台chromacity 1040到澳大利亚,系统拿出箱子后打开钥匙就直接获得了出场的技术指标。"

“Like most laser manufacturers, engineers typically carry out all system installations onsite, but the uncertainty of international travel nowadays is challenging this norm. Irrespective of COVID-19, our strategic objective has always been to develop ultrafast lasers which require minimal set-up. This is part of our ongoing commitment towards developing the most reliable and easy-to-use systems in the market.”


“There is a culture of continuous improvement at Chromacity which is centred around our ISO 9001:2015 certified quality management system. This not only places the customer at the centre of everything we do, but we actively encourage company-wide participation. My colleagues are trained auditors and we undertake regular internal ISO audits so everyone can observe how other parts of the business operate and share knowledge.”

"这也是我们围绕质量管理系统 ISO 9001:2015 而进行的持续努力。除了客户为中心的宗旨外,我们也积极的呼吁全公司的参与。我的同事负责培训听众,我们进行内部的iso审计,以期让所有人都了解公司的运营并进行知识的分享。"

“Our recent customer satisfaction survey provides valuable insight and product feedback. Having just joined Chromacity, it was reassuring to learn that results for overall technical specifications received top marks. Initial observations on product performance were supported by high scores in relation to system reliability and usability.“

"我们最近的客户满意度调查给我们提供了有价值的视角和产品反馈。刚刚加入chroma City,我就获得系统全部的技术指标的最高评价,内部系统测试的观察与系统可靠性和易用性的高分表现相得益彰。"

“It’s these strong technical foundations which have enabled the production team to make significant enhancements to our flagship OPO over a very short period of time.”


“We conducted a mechanical integrity assessment of the Chromacity OPO and introduced system alignment techniques which optimised performance, whilst also decreasing build time. Higher output powers have since been achieved and Signal and Idler beam quality is now greatly improved across the tuning range.”

"我们进行了chromacity opo系统的机械化集成的评估,并引入了可以优化系统整体表现的光路设计工艺,进而缩短了身长时间。更高的输出功率获得的同时,信号光和闲频光的光束质量在整个的调节范围内取得了显著的提升。"

“These new alignment methods coupled with the optomechanical assembly review, ensure the Chromacity OPO is an inherently stable optical platform. Remote install of our first OPO system in China is testament to this”.


”It’s exciting to be part of this effort to achieve a remote install for an OPO at such an early stage of the manufacturing lifecycle, particularly because this capability amongst the larger laser manufacturers is often out of reach.” 







